I Rarely Toot My Own Horn, But Here Goes…

I won. Not the Oscar for Best Actor, though some days I do a pretty good job of putting on a brave face when things in my business don’t go as planned (that’s just about every day). No, last Friday night, I won the 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year from the GLMV Chamber of Commerce at their 2018 membership gala. Yes, Snarf Foods™ is the real deal.

I am not going to lie, I am pretty excited, very honored and grateful. And guess what, I deserved it. Particularly, since last year was the most entrepreneurial of my life (just read my previous blogs on WordPress).

OK, for me to say that makes me VERY uncomfortable, but I did it.  “They” say that’s where I need to be, outside my comfort zone.  Goes to show I am changing,  growing and just perhaps becoming a real entrepreneur.

Snarf On!