Earth Day 2018


Why is it we only celebrate Mother Earth once a year? Well we here at Snarf Foods™ believe it is a year round commitment. An everyday commitment.

From choosing recyclable packaging for our products; biodegradable packing peanuts when we do our shipping or adopting a street right here in Gurnee to keep clean. We take our commitment seriously (with a bit of fun because who can be too serious with a name like Snarf Foods™!).

We hope you too have a commitment to old Mother Earth. She REALLY needs our help these days. So do what you can, no matter how small and Snarf On!




I Rarely Toot My Own Horn, But Here Goes…

I won. Not the Oscar for Best Actor, though some days I do a pretty good job of putting on a brave face when things in my business don’t go as planned (that’s just about every day). No, last Friday night, I won the 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year from the GLMV Chamber of Commerce at their 2018 membership gala. Yes, Snarf Foods™ is the real deal.

I am not going to lie, I am pretty excited, very honored and grateful. And guess what, I deserved it. Particularly, since last year was the most entrepreneurial of my life (just read my previous blogs on WordPress).

OK, for me to say that makes me VERY uncomfortable, but I did it.  “They” say that’s where I need to be, outside my comfort zone.  Goes to show I am changing,  growing and just perhaps becoming a real entrepreneur.

Snarf On!


It’s Been A BIG Week!

SpreadArmI have been noticeably silent these past weeks (sorry about that), as I was preparing for last week…and what a week it was!

I started at the Kenosha Harbor Market. This wonderful market has now moved indoors for the season to the Rhode Theater. I am only at this market a limited amount of Saturdays, because with the holidays fast approaching and I won’t be able to come up for air. It was great fun and huge success. So many of my Frequent Snarfers from the summer market dropped by to say hello and get their Snarf Foods™ fix!

Then on Monday I had a professional photo shoot of many of my products. I have been wanting to do this for sometime. I finally found a photographer who I could trust to do the job and OMG did he do a fantastic job! Michael Delott is a master and you will be seeing a lot of his photos soon.

In between all this, orders began coming in from no where. How wonderful is that? I guess listening to all those positive thinking compact discs is finally paying off!

Finally, Sunday was the highlight of my week, perhaps my year. I was a “chef” at the annual Holiday Meals Celebrity Brunch. This is their biggest fundraiser for the year and for those who don’t know, Snarf Foods™ donates a portion of its profits to Holiday Meals On Wheels. This was just one more way for us to give back. In fact this was such a wonderful experience it probably deserves a blog all by itself. People flocked to the Snarf Foods™ table in droves and we received great feedback. Many thanks to Barbara Sistak from License Plate Garage for volunteering to help. I couldn’t have kept up without her!

Not a bad week for someone who just “retired” from their day job. I am busier and happier than ever. Let’s hope the weeks continue to be BIG!

Snarf On!

Our Core Values


So, I’ve been looking at a lot of apples lately getting the bugs out of our new Killer Karamel™ apples (they are soooo good, but more on them later) and I got to thinking…

What are Snarf Foods™ core values?

Here’s what I know for sure (thanks Oprah):

  • We believe in treating everyone (customers, vendors, supporters, detractors and, if we had any, employees) with respect. That also means saying please and thank you (got to thank mom for that one, not Oprah, though I am sure she would agree).
  • We believe in family. If not for family, Snarf Foods™ would not exist. From my brother who does all the wacky artwork; my husband who can deal with just about anything technical; my long departed mother who kept my books in balance and a smile on my face; they are the best group of unpaid “employees” you could ask for!
  • We believe that communication is key. So many problems can be avoided by just letting the other guy know what is going on.
  • We believe in doing what you say and if for some reason you can’t…COMMUNICATE!
  • We believe is creating tasty, fresh products at reasonable prices. Good stuff sometimes costs a bit more (have you seen the prices of butter and REAL vanilla lately…ouch!).
  • We believe in giving back. Snarf Foods™ is passionate about feeding the hungry. That is why we donate a portion of our profits to Holiday Meals On Wheels. We also care about our environment, which is why we volunteer to keep a roadway clean in Gurnee, Illinois. We also try to use biodegradable or recyclable packaging.
  • We believe in having fun. If you haven’t already noticed we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We hope that if we are having fun, you are too.

Not a bad start. What do you think? What are your core values?

#SnarfOn! and if you enjoy reading our blog, please follow us!

A Labor Of Love This Labor Day

BobFace_ColorAs you all may or may not know, Snarf Foods™ is based on a recipe created by Robert “Bob” Pritchard. His original recipe is still our biggest seller and as I like to say, the reason I married his son David! Bob would only reveal his secret to family so I had to go all in!

In 2001 Bob passed away and I promised him I would take our little dream forward. Yes, I have been at this a LONG time, but, Snarf Foods™ is truly a labor of love and a promise I made long ago.

So I wish you all a Happy Labor Day and may all your labors be as happy as mine. If it’s not, perhaps it’s time jump off a cliff with me!

Snarf On!




So How’s That Jumping Off A Cliff Thing Going?


Yes, it’s almost been 2 months since I took the flying leap from my very secure day job into the wild and wacky world of Snarf Foods™.

Here’s what I can report:

  1. I am still alive.
  2. I have been incredibly busy. So busy that I wonder how I managed to do any of this while working full-time. Oh, that’s right I couldn’t, hence the reason for drastic measures.
  3. COBRA health insurance is incredibly expensive. I was expecting this, but writing the check is a whole new reality. Plus, I seem to have fallen between the cracks. I found this out when I went to pick up my usual $4 prescription and they wanted to charge me $114 (something is very wrong with this pricing discrepancy, but I’ll leave that rant for another day).
  4. Most people have been very supportive of my dream. Some look at me as if I have two heads.
  5. I am still scared…daily, no make that hourly.
  6. I am still trying to figure this all out and probably will for the foreseeable future. In other words, I am trying to build those wings on the way down.
  7. Until I do I will continue to Snarf On!
  8. I hope you will continue to Snarf On with me.
  9. Oh, if you have a moment please like or follow this blog. That would be an excellent way to Snarf On!
  10. There should be a 10 items, but I am out of ideas so here is a link to our web page:

Snarf On!